“Women Leaders: Secrets to Success” with Judi Moise from Skin Fetish

Each week on “Women Leaders: Secrets to Success”, our host, Jessica Franzini, talks to women from around the country who are taking names and breaking glass. This week, Jessica spoke to Judi Moise from Skin Fetish.

Judi is a Licensed Aesthetician + Skin Educator with over 15+ years’ experience in the beauty industry. Judi graduated from Heritage Institute where she received her Associate Occupational Degree in Esthetics. After several years in the industry, Judi received her Bachelor of Applied Science in Supervision & Management at Florida State College of Jacksonville.

To learn more, visit http://theskinfetish.com.

What do you feel are your key personal factors for your success?:

What is the biggest mistake you would tell your younger self to avoid?: Not to dim your light to make it comfortable for others.

Do you have a mentor and do you feel it is important to have one?: I do have one. It’s important to surround yourself with people with a similar mindset and to guide you to success.

Is there a book you can recommend that would be valuable to read for a woman starting out in business?: 48 Laws of Power

How do you achieve balance between your professional life and personal life?: Set aside time for self care to care for others.