“Digital Champions” with Hunter Young from HIFI Agency

Hunter Young
Founder at HIFI Agency
Website Address: www.hifiagency.com

Each week on “Digital Champions,” our host  talks to media experts across the country. This week they sit down with Hunter Young from HIFI Agency.

To learn more check out www.hifiagency.com.

What is your company Elevator pitch when talking about your company?

HIFI Agency is a full-service marketing firm that helps financial companies talk about money the way people talk about money.

What is the biggest change in marketing that you see coming in the next 2 years?

Deeper martech integrations helping hold ineffective digital ad spend more accountable.

What is one tip that you would give when it comes to digital marketing?

Don’t assume a “best practice” is the only way to succeed. Test and learn.

What is the main pain point that you solve for your customers?

Using fintech’s and banking’s customer data for good.